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Sou Tradutora (inglês/português) profissional, formada em Letras-Tradução pela Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi, atuando há mais de 20 anos no campo técnico e especialmente literário. Traduzi mais de 190 livros até o presente, entre romances, livros de negócios, de autoajuda, biografias, guias, trabalhando como freelancer para editoras renomadas. Também escrevo artigos, crônicas, textos em geral, e acabo de publicar o “Meu Próprio Livro”. I'm a professional Translator (English/Portuguese), with a Letters/Translation degree. I've been working for more than 20 years in the area, with technical and especially literary translation. I’ve translated more than 190 books up to now, among novels, business books, biographies, self-help books, guides, working as a freelancer for renowned publishers. I also write articles, chronicles, general texts, and I’ve just published my own book, called “Meu Próprio Livro”.

Sobre o Blog / About the Blog - Link:

Onde quer que você esteja, sinta-se em casa aqui!
Wherever you are, feel at home here.
Donde quiera que estés, te sientas en casa acá.

São inúmeros aqueles que não são mais escritores aprendizes, mas todos somos aprendizes de escritores para sempre...
There are countless ones who are no longer apprentice writers, but we are all writers' apprentices forever...

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015

Feliz Aniversário, Blog!

     Criei o Aprendizes de Escritores em 28/04/2011, e este é um blog muito especial para mim, como se fosse uma extensão da minha casa. É como sempre digo, aqui é a minha escola de escrita, o lugar que me deu base para escrever o meu primeiro livro e iniciar projetos para outros livros.
     Há uma grande satisfação em saber que tenho coisas escritas ao longo dos anos, como artigos, crônicas, comentários, dicas, etc., nas várias postagens e também nas páginas adicionais do blog, além das imagens que tenho escolhido com todo o carinho para enfeitá-lo.

     E com grande alegria que vejo hoje o Aprendizes de Escritores comemorando seu aniversário de 4 anos!

Happy Anniversary, Blog!

     I’ve created the Blog Aprendizes de Escritores – Writers’ Aprentices Blog on 04/28/2011, and this is a very special blog to me, as if it was an extension of my home. It is as I always says, this is my school of writing, the place that provided me the foundation to write my first book and initiate projects for other books.
     I feel deep satisfaction in knowing that I’ve got things written throughout the years, as articles, chronicles, comments, tips, etc. through the posts and also on the blog’s additional pages, besides the images I’ve been chosen with great care to decorate it.

     It’s very joyful indeed to see the blog celebrating its 4th anniversary today!

quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2015

Mother's Love

     I love my only son with my own life. I love God even more because He gave me my son and my own life. We are spirits, souls, and I’m Daniel’s soul mother.
     A dear friend of mine who is spiritist told me that sons and daughters choose the mother they want to have here before they are born.
     My son, my son’s soul, or my soul son, has chosen me as his mother.
     I want my son’s happiness and I pray to God that one day he finds his soul mate, his true love. And I’ll be proud to be at my son’s side when he takes his soul mate to the altar; that will be one of the happiest days of my life: my son’s wedding to his soul mate, his true love.
     But my son is only a teenager, and there’ll be plenty of time to all that. Now I want him to study, to have friends, to cherish his family, to think about his future, his career, the ways, the good ways and paths he’ll go through, with the blessings of Jesus, God, St. Michael and the Holy Mary to fulfill his dreams.
     I want Daniel to be happy, to be good to people, to smile freely, to enjoy life, and to live without unnecessary fears and worries.
     I told my son: “Treat the girls like ladies”, and I’m sure he’ll do it. And I’m not worried because, besides mother’s love, he’s got his own guardian angel, and I pray with all my faith to God to protect my son.

     I love my Daniel. From here to Eternity.