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Sou Tradutora (inglês/português) profissional, formada em Letras-Tradução pela Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi, atuando há mais de 20 anos no campo técnico e especialmente literário. Traduzi mais de 190 livros até o presente, entre romances, livros de negócios, de autoajuda, biografias, guias, trabalhando como freelancer para editoras renomadas. Também escrevo artigos, crônicas, textos em geral, e acabo de publicar o “Meu Próprio Livro”. I'm a professional Translator (English/Portuguese), with a Letters/Translation degree. I've been working for more than 20 years in the area, with technical and especially literary translation. I’ve translated more than 190 books up to now, among novels, business books, biographies, self-help books, guides, working as a freelancer for renowned publishers. I also write articles, chronicles, general texts, and I’ve just published my own book, called “Meu Próprio Livro”.

Sobre o Blog / About the Blog - Link:

Onde quer que você esteja, sinta-se em casa aqui!
Wherever you are, feel at home here.
Donde quiera que estés, te sientas en casa acá.

São inúmeros aqueles que não são mais escritores aprendizes, mas todos somos aprendizes de escritores para sempre...
There are countless ones who are no longer apprentice writers, but we are all writers' apprentices forever...

segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2012

My Quotes

     Why do I create my own quotes? Not intending to be a philosopher, naturally. There are countless and fantastic philosophers, thinkers, geniuses, writers, etc. Probably, these phrases of mine were already said in another way, by other people, though they are spontaneous. They mean only what I learn about life and the world in general and try to transmit to others through my own feelings. tj*¬

When you can’t be perfect at something, remember
perfect people are too boring.

The place of weapons should
be in museums, collections,
books, as ornaments, as
testimony of all the devastation
that man _ despite being a careful
artisan or a brilliant inventor while
creating them _ can cause.

When you are born, the love for rock is
already inside your heart and soul.

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